For those that love an adrenaline rush

Extreme entertainment

For extreme sport lovers



Only here you can find blood-raising and thrilling winter activities heating up the snow of the Snow Arena! Participate in different events, competitions and try night skiing, as well as an activity found nowhere else in Lithuania – kayak skiing. Break free from the grip of your daily routine and practise skiing on the modern, regularly updated Snow Park tracks. Improve your skills in performing different aerial tricks. Experience a true adrenaline rush!

Skiing for extreme sport lovers

<em>Snow park</em>

Snow park

This is a place where lovers of active and extreme sports gather, with features designed for the performance of various tricks.

Main track

Main track

Designed for training, competitions and skiing lessons with our instructors.

Outdoor track

Outdoor track

Designed for advanced and professional skiers and snowboarders.

Other activities

Ski equipment rental point

We offer a possibility for Arena visitors to hire professional ski equipment and thermal gear.


Apart from regular skiing, you can also enjoy yourself at the Snow Arena by joining in other activities. You are welcome to try the events at the restaurants, including wine tasting and DJ evenings.

Ski equipment servicing

The rental point at the Snow Arena offers ski equipment repairs and maintenance services. More


After entertaining activities you can regain your energy and strength by enjoying healthy, always fresh and delicious food at the restaurants found at the complex.


Equipment/gear rental prices

Price of equipment rental in Eur incl. VAT Child (from  0 to 17 years) Adults (18+)
Skis 6,00 Eur 7,00 Eur
Snowboard 6,00 Eur 12,00 Eur
Ski boots 6,00 Eur 7,00 Eur
Snowboard boots 6,00 Eur 9,00 Eur
Ski poles 2,00 Eur 2,00 Eur
Helmet 3,00 Eur 4,00 Eur
Skiing trousers OR jacket 5,00 Eur 5,00 Eur
Skiing trousers AND jacket 7,00 Eur 7,00 Eur
ECONOMY (skis, boots, ski poles, helmet) 15,00 Eur 16,00 Eur
ECONOMY (snowboard, boots, helmet) 15,00 Eur 19,00 Eur
PREMIUM (skis, boots, ski poles, helmet, trousers, jacket) 18,00 Eur 18,00 Eur
PREMIUM (snowboard, boots, helmet, trousers, jacket) 18,00 Eur 22,00 Eur
Snow scooter 12,00 Eur
Snow bike 12,00 Eur

Prices for equipment maintenance

Without loyalty card
With loyalty card